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Conditions We Treat

Venous Disease

What is Venous Disease?

Venous disease is caused by abnormal veins. When vein vessels in the leg become damaged or weakened, blood in those veins flows backwards and causes veins to stretch, twist, and swell. This may lead to spider and varicose veins and in more severe cases, ulcers in the lower calf and ankle. If you have spider or varicose veins, you should request an appointment to determine if there is a problem to be treated or to receive a venous disease diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms and Risk Factors

There are several venous disease symptoms that cause discomfort and pain. While most cases of varicose veins can be successfully controlled through dietary and lifestyle changes, some may require venous disease treatment either to reduce symptoms or improve appearance.


  • Swelling or heaviness in legs
  • Leg pain or cramping
  • Visible varicose or spider veins
  • Discoloration of skin
  • Dry or weeping eczema
  • Leg ulcers
  • Restless legs

Risk Factors

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Lifestyle


Vein disease can be treated with lifestyle modifications as well as medication. Compression stockings are most commonly used to help relieve symptoms, improve blood flow and reduce swelling. However, to treat the root of the problem, interventional procedures can be done to remove or close off the diseased veins. Most of these procedures can be done in our clinics:

  • Radiofrequency Ablation- In this minimally-invasive procedure, radio frequency energy applies heat to the vein wall through a thin catheter. This closes off the vein.
  • Sclerotherapy- Used for both cosmetic and medical purposes, sclerotherapy is an effective treatment option for both spider and varicose veins. This therapy injects medication into the veins which causes them to shrink. Best results are typically achieved over a series of treatments.
  • Varithena- This minimally-invasive procedure involves a polidocanol endovenous microfoam (PEM) which is injected into the target vein under ultrasound guidance to cause vessel irritation, spasm and closure.
  • Venaseal- This is a minimally-invasive procedure where adhesive is injected into the vein through a thin catheter closing off the vein.

Without treatment, vein disease can worsen over time due to the pressure created by the backflow of blood in the legs. It can lead to more visible veins, swelling, tissue inflammation, tissue damage, or blood clots, and can cause ulcers and infections, which can spread. This condition can be very painful and debilitating. This is why it is important to consult a vein specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

MCI is here for you

MCI physicians are leading the way in innovative venous disease diagnosis and treatments. Schedule a consult today. Find a cardiologist at one of our clinics in the Chicagoland area.
Physician looking at monitors for patient
  • We offer same or next day appointment for your convenience
  • Expert care and advanced techniques and procedures to treat venous disease right here to our community
  • Highly-experienced physicians who encompass every specialty of cardiovascular medicine
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